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The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project is moving forward despite the pandemic


The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project has reached the middle of its journey, after 15 months of work. Unfortunately, the pandemic has significantly limited the international mobility, which has been replaced by numerous virtual work meetings between Spain, Lithuania, Ireland, Sicily and Cyprus.

With this, the project partners have been able to advance in defining the professional profile of the “Expert in rehabilitation and restoration of built heritage” and in the contents of the syllabus required for their specialization. At the same time, the themes and contents of the four MOOCs to be developed within the framework of the Project have been defined. On the other hand, the information collection sheets are already available for the creation of a database of innovative materials and technologies for rehabilitation, and another database on experiences of innovative architectural rehabilitation interventions. Some of the RehabiMed members are helping us on the elaboration of these two databases that will make up “online” repositories open to all European professionals.

The Project has specialized partners, both universities and entities in the construction sector in Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania and Ireland, within the framework of the European Erasmus+ program.