Espluga de Cuberes International Workshop. ‘Living on the cliff’
The Espluga de Cuberes International Workshop was the first milestone of the Euro-Mediterranean project ‘Living on the Cliff’, which is to carry out an analysis of troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the Mediterranean. The aim of this project is to systematically study this typology of troglodytic architecture throughout the Mediterranean basin and to analyse the opportunities it …
20 participants from 8 countries selected for the Espluga de Cuberes International Workshop
20 participants have been selected to carry out the workshop from August 25 to September 6 on Living on the Cliff. Analysis of the troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the Mediterranean. Students come from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Italy and France. Thanks to ACEID, 10 scholarships have been awarded for being countries in the MENA (Middle East and North …
New Rehabimed’s Board 2024-2028
The newly elected board of RehabiMed has taken possession of its positions after the elections on May 13, 2024.The current positions are:President: Xavier Casanovas i BoixereuSecretary: Oriol Cusidó i GaríTreasurer: Joan Ramon Rosell i AmigóBOARD MEMBERSTerritory, landscape and city: Oriol Cusidó i GaríUrban intervention: Marc Manzano i SalóTraditional materials: Estudi M103, …
International Workshop Espluga de Cuberes
Living inside the Cliff. Analysis of the troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the MediterraneanFrom 25 August to 6 September 2024Gerri de la Sal, Catalonia. SpainPRESENTATIONIt is an immersive experience to live the troglodyte Mediterranean habitat in person. It focuses on a unique case study, abandoned at the end of the 20th century, which will allow documenting, …
The rehabilitation project of the Jraba square, within the RehabiMed program, was one of the most successful projects in the preservation of the Medina of Kairouan. The square has become a favorite passage within the Medina and a key element in the tourist circuit that connects the souks to the Great Mosque. The place revives. Several abandoned boutiques are reopening their doors and regaining …
Wekala rehabilitation in Cairo, 15 years later
It has been 15 years since the RehabiMed project (financed by the European Union) finished the rehabilitation work of the Wekala El-Magraby, built in the 18th century in the Gamalia neighbourhood of Islamic Cairo, under Ottoman influence. Originally, a wekala is a building built around a courtyard intended to house merchants and store their goods, on the ground floor, with the upper floor being …
Urban Landscape Rehabilitation in Lefkara, Cyprus, 15 years later
L'objectif du projet pilote RehabiMed était la restauration des façades de 16 maisons de la rue commerciale principale de Pano Lefkara. Le projet, financé par l'Union européenne, a été mis en œuvre par le Département des Antiquités, avec la collaboration du Département de l'Urbanisme et du Logement. Il s’agissait de restituer les principales caractéristiques de l'architecture traditionnelle de …
Tragic earthquake in the Atlas region
On the occasion of the tragic earthquake in the Atlas region, RehabiMed sympathises with the Moroccan people and especially with the inhabitants of the Atlas, a wonderful, densely populated area with an exceptional traditional architecture.We wish strength, energy and means to all its inhabitants and send our condolences and solidarity to all the affected families. We have worked hard in …
The Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya has granted a grant for the development of the "LANDSCAPE IS MEMORY" project of the RehabiMed Association. The project will work on the traditional heritage of L'Ametlla de Mar and El Perelló (Baix Ebre). The aim is to highlight a neglected heritage, built over the centuries on a human scale, taking advantage of the site's resources. The …
Meeting UfM on traditional building skills in the south Mediterranean Region
The Union for the Mediterranean has organized a meeting of experts and representatives of various Mauritanian, Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian administrations. The meeting took place on July 6, 2023 at the Palau de Pedralbes, headquarters of the UfM, as the first step of several actions that will be launched in the coming months in Morocco and Tunisia, in order to promote the preservation of …
Damage assessment and emergency actions in Manbij (Syria)
Rehabimed is involved in an ISIS damage assessment and emergency consolidation project at three monuments in Manbij. A project led by Heritage for Peace, funded by the British Council and which begins this June.The project will intervene in three heritage buildings dating from Byzantine times to the early 20th century:The Al-Antabi tomb contains unique frescoes and geometric drawings …
Rehabilitation pilot operation in Marrakech, 15 years later
It has been 15 years since the RehabiMed project (funded by the European Union) finished the rehabilitation work on three buildings in Marrakech. A project with a strong social component, since it made it possible to improve the living conditions of around 150 people in 31 room units, also preventing the unbridled gentrification process of the Medina from expelling these families from the …
Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly 2022
The Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of the RehabiMed Association will take place on 6th of march 2023 in EPSEB, Barcelona, 18:00H.Agenda for the Assembly 18:00H.:Approval of minutes of the previous Assembly.President’s Report 2022Presentation and validation of accounts 2021Presentation and validation of accounts 2022Presentation and approval of 2023 …
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project results
After three years of work, the Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project has already published its results.The objective of the Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project was to mitigate the mismatch between the educational offer of universities and the needs of the sector. To achieve this, an innovative professional profile of “Building Rehabilitation Expert” has been defined and homogeneous curricula have …
The Building Rehabilitation Expert under discussion in Madrid
On October 27, 2022, the final Conference of the Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project was held at the UPM in Madrid, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program, with the participation of some 150 professionals from various European countries and from the MEDA region. A Project aimed at developing innovative professional skills for the building rehabilitation and monumental restoration …
Online courses (MOOC) of the SMART Rehabilitation 3.0 Project
The ErasmusPlus SMART Rehabilitation 3.0 Project has developed 4 training on line courses (MOOC). It’s an effort to bridge the knowledge gap between the offer of higher education in most European universities and the practical skills and competencies needed in the rehabilitation sector.The courses are aimed at providing tools (techniques and interventions) useful to show and explain virtuous …
Conference “Rehabilitation in Europe”. Renovation Wave and NextGenerationUE
The renovation of the building stock is today a driver of economic activity and job creation throughout Europe. Most of European universities have incorporated rehabilitation into their core subjects, few have integrated it as a basic pillar and the building sector is lacking a reasonable number of experts in this field. The NextGenerationUE funds are now showing thedifficulties of not having …
IFPO seminar in Irbil
From September 20 to 23, RehabiMed is developing a training seminar in the Citadel of the Kurdish-Iraqi city of Irbil. A place listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site which is undergoing major restoration work. Due to the characteristics of the site, this location was chosen because it allows complex studies to be carried out, both in terms of urban regeneration and the rehabilitation of its …
The RehabiMed Method is presented within the framework of the Ifpo AGIR-HIFAZ Project in Iraq
Within the framework of the AGIR-HIFAZ course organized by the French Institute of the Near East (Ifpo), the RehabiMed Method has been presented in three sessions entitled:Urban type-morphology of vernacular architecture in Islamic citiesRevitalization of historic centersIntroduction to the methodologyThe online course, lasting two months (May and June), was addressed to 30 professors …
RehabiMed participates in the International Symposium on Depopulated Areas in Salerno, Italy
On June 17 and 18, 2022, the "Small Towns Symposium 2022" took place in Salerno. An international debate on the regeneration and sustainable development of small towns in depopulated areas. Within the framework of the Symposium, the International Charter for the recovery of depopulated areas was signed at the “Giuliani” Castle in Roccadaspide, with the participation of the authorities of the …
Course on technological innovation in the reuse of historic buildings
The Erasmus+ Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project organized, between 6 and 10 June 2022, a training course in technological innovation in the reuse of historic buildings. The Department of Architecture of the University of Cyprus assumed the organization, focused on defining the topics to be considered in the formation of future Building Rehabilitation Experts (BRE). More than 30 Cypriot, Spanish, …
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Short-term joint staff training in Technological innovation and adaptative reuse of historic buildings
The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project offers a training program for Building Rehabilitation Experts in the partner Countries.From 6-10 June 2022, Nicosa, CyprusThe partners will exchange knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the technological innovation in heritage …
RehabiMed provides advice for urban regeneration in Constanta (Romania)
A RehabiMed mission was organized from 16 to 18 May 2022 in the city of Constanta (Romania), to support the Constantian association in its objective of working a consistent proposal for the urban regeneration of the historic center, known as the Peninsula.Throughout the three working days, meetings have been held with several municipal councillors, industry professionals and other experts …
Heritage preservation and social support in Raqqa (Syria)
In March 2022, the work planned in Raqqa, in the Cooperation Project to strengthen capacities in the preservation of the heritage of which it was the capital of the Islamic State, was completed. Project carried out by RehabiMed, jointly with Heritage for Peace and financed by the British Council.In November 2021, the project began with a visit to Raqqa, during which meetings were held with …
Rehabimed participates in the IX International Convention of the Technical Architecture CONTART Toledo 2022
The motto of the IX International Convention of the Technical Architecture CONTART 22 is: "Committed to the Rehabilitation". To discuss this topic, on 12 and 13 May, Toledo will be the meeting point that will bring together experts from different countries to talk about the present and future of rehabilitation in Spain and in Europe.RehabiMed participates in the Congress organizing the …
Course on technological innovation in rehabilitation to improve to habitability and use of housing
Between 21 and 25 March 2022, the Erasmus +: Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project organized a training course in Technological Innovation in Rehabilitation to improve the habitability and use of housing. The course took place in Barcelona and focused on the definition of the topics to be considered in the training of future “Building Rehabilitation Experts” (BRE). Twenty Spanish, Italian, Lithuanian …
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Short-term joint staff training event on technological innovation in rehabilitation for adaptation to habitability and use
The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project offers a training program for Building Rehabilitation Experts in the partner Countries.From March 21stto 24th2022, Barcelona, SpainThe course will allow the participants an exchange of knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and to debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the …
Empowerment of civil society for the protection of cultural heritage in conflict and post-conflict areas. Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya
RehabiMed participates in a conference organized by ANSCH and Heritage for Peace on 3 and 4 March 2022.This conference will present the Arab Network of Civil Society Organizations to Safeguard Cultural Heritage (ANSCH) projects concerning safeguarding cultural heritage resources in the Arab region, as well as negotiating challenges and opportunities facing emerging civil society …
RehabiMed has organised a Training Workshop on World Heritage Management for those responsible for urban regeneration in the city of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
January 24-28, 2022Three cities: Barcelona, Granada and Córdoba have hosted a delegation from the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia (responsible for the rehabilitation of the historic center of Jeddah, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List) who has visited Spain, in order to participate in a training trip. Training that has had a threefold objective: first, to know the reality of …
The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project intensifies its activities, despite the pandemic
The situation resulting from two years of pandemic has greatly complicated the development of the planned tasks provided for the Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project, within the framework of the Erasmus + program. We cannot forget that one of the main objectives is the creation of international synergies between universities and the rehabilitation and restoration sector, and mobility is …
RehabiMed finances housing rehabilitation in Palestine
RehabiMed, with its own funds to finance initiatives of its members, in 2021 funded a housing rehabilitation project in Al-Jib, a Palestinian village 10 km northwest of Jerusalem.This contribution was made within the campaign promoted by Riwaq "Warm home", aimed at rehabilitating low-income families in rural areas of Jerusalem and Ramallah. With a littele over 8,000 USD, the general …
Raqqa (Syria) Heritage Conservation Project with the British Council
RehabiMed, together with Heritage for Peace and with funding from the British Council, has launched the cooperation project to strengthen capacities in the sector of preservation and interpretation of Heritage in the city of Raqqa. These actions are being carried out with the support of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria Culture Authority and the Raqqa City Council.A …
Ordinary General Assembly 2021
The Ordinary General Assembly of the RehabiMed Association will take place on 13th of December 2021 in EPSEB, Barcelona, 18:00H.Agenda for the Assembly:Approval of minutes of the previous Assembly.President’s Report 2021Presentation and validation of accounts 2020Presentation and approval of the 2021 provisional accountsPresentation and approval of 2022 budgetAdditional topics suggested …
Training in Methodology for Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Rehabilitation in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)
The course on Methodology for Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Rehabilitation taught by RehabiMed took place on November 8th and 9th, 2021, in the auditorium of the Beit Nassif Museum in Jeddah. The course is part of the advice and cooperation project coordinated by Hydea, in strengthening the capacity of the professional team of the Ministry of Culture for urban regeneration of Jeddah …
Course on technological innovations for structural rehabilitation in Lithuania
Between October 25th and 29th 2021, Kaunas University of Technology organized the course on technological innovation in structural rehabilitation of buildings. The course is part of the Erasmus + Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project, led by RehabiMed. More than 20 Spanish, Italian, Lithuanian and Cypriot experts and professionals took part, representing the various partners of the …
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Short-term joint staff Training in Technological innovations for structural rehabilitation in Lithuania
The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project offers a training program for Building Rehabilitation Experts in the partner Countries.25th-29th/oct/2021The participants will exchange knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the technological innovations for structural rehabilitation in …
Course on technological innovation in restoration of heritage buildings in Palermo
The course on technological innovation in restoration of heritage buildings took place September 20th-24th 2021 at Palermo University. The course is part of the Erasmus + Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project, led by RehabiMed. More than 30 Italian, Spanish, Lithuanian and Cypriot experts and professionals participated, representing the different partners of the Project.From a theoretical and …
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project: Short-term joint staff Training in Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration
The Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 project offers a training program for Building Rehabilitation Experts in the partner Countries.20-24/sept/2021UNIPA, Palermo, ItalyThe participants will exchange knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the technological innovation in heritage …
Jornada d’Estudi “Paisatge és Memòria. L’Ametlla de Mar i El Perelló”
Els dies 1 i 2 de desembre de 2023, es va celebrar al Col·legi d’Arquitectes de la demarcació de l’Ebre, a Tortosa, la Jornada d’estudi “Paisatge és Memòria. L’Ametlla de Mar i El Perelló”. La presidenta de la Demarcació de l’Ebre, Elena Rosales, va realitzar la presentació. Montserrat Villaverde i Anna Martínez, com a directores del projecte, van exposar els resultats del treball de camp …