RehabiMed Association is an initiative that represents the ongoing experience of partnership between institutions and organizations in over 40 Euro-Mediterranean countries. It brings together a network of experts consolidated by continuing joint work between countries in the north and south of the Mediterranean, which extends its experience and knowledge to other regions of the world.
The Association’s fundamental objective is to promote the sustainable rehabilitation of existing buildings and the social and economic revitalization of historic centres around the world by projecting the Mediterranean experience. To this end, RehabiMed promotes research and training in rehabilitation, disseminates a multidisciplinary working methodology, increases the management capacity of government agencies, helps to improve living conditions and raises awareness of the importance of heritage preservation as a factor of sustainable development.
RehabiMed Association is based in Barcelona and develops its objectives and activities in all European and Mediterranean countries, with a clear commitment to global outreach in the form of collaboration agreements with various international organizations.
Xavier Casanovas i Boixereu
Oriol Cusidó i Garí
Joan Ramón Rosell i Amigó
Territory, landscape and city: Oriol Cusidó i Garí
Urban intervention: Marc Manzano i Saló
Traditional materials: Estudi M103, Jorge Blasco
Craft crafts: Judit Ramírez Casas
Building structures: Association of Structures Consultants, Josep Baquer
Heritage, historical research and awareness: Montserrat Villaverde
Publications: Joan Olona i Casas
Building rehabilitation: Josep Coll Miró
The purpose of the RehabiMed Association is to promote rehabilitation of the existing building stock and sustainable development in Europe and Mediterranean.
To achieve its purposes, RehabiMed carries out projects and activities that enable the following:
- To stimulate research and training on rehabilitation, sustainability and enhanced value of the maintenance of the current building stock through a network of International experts.
- To broadcast a working multidisciplinary methodology for the rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings, with respect to legislation, management and building techniques.
- To create synergies between all the parties involved in the process of rehabilitation, revitalisation and sustainable urbanism.
- To increase the management capacity of local and regional authorities in sustainable urban rehabilitation.
- To contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of a wide range of the population by the rehabilitation and renewal of their accommodations.
- To provide technical assistance for developing NGOs in their activities connected to the renewal of the building stock.
- To encourage: the inventory of, the evaluation of, and subsequent revitalisation of places of historic interest; and the sustainable rehabilitation of buildings.
- To enhance mutual understanding and dialogue between cultures, generations and genders by the preservation of common historical and cultural architectural heritage identity.
- To stimulate awareness on behalf of the general population about the importance of safeguarding the architectural heritage as a factor of sustainable development.

Become a member and collaborate
We are interested in your collaboration for promoting the rehabilitation of the built heritage, in order to preserve the historical and cultural identity of traditional Mediterranean architecture.
Steps to follow:
Fill in the application form.
Send a brief CV and a motivation letter