icono esquina

Exhibition AURES “Heritage, Memory and Resistance”

Exhibition “ Aures. Heritage, Memory and Resistance” From 18 to 26 May 2017, School of Architecture La Salle From 15 to 24 June 2017, Bookshop Altaïr The Seminar dedicated to "Algeria: heritage and memory" aims to make known the territory and architecture of a culturally heterogeneous country with excellent heritage. From the traditional ensembles of the Casbah of Algiers or the M'Zab Valley, …

“LIVING IN THE MEDITERRANEAN” at the Museu Marítim de Barcelona

An exhibition about the values of traditional architecture in the MediterraneanIt is almost ten years since the travelling exhibition “Living in the Mediterranean” started touring around the Euro-Mediterranean regions. It has been hosted by over 50 cities, from Aleppo to Barcelona, generating all kinds of debates about intervention in historic centres, promoting local values and dealing with …

Exhibition “Bioko: Architecture and Memory”

Last May 24, 2012, the exhibition "Bioko: Architecture and Memory" was inaugurated in Malabo, curated by Mercè de Cabanyes Gay and Laida Memba Ikuga. The opening took place at the Cultural Center of Spain in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.The exhibition is part of the project "Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano de Equatorial Guinea", directed by Laida Memba and realized with the …

Selection of photographs 2011

A young Palestinian photo-journalist, Mahmoud Illean, from Jerusalem is the winner of the 2011 edition of “Crossing viewpoints: Mediterranean cities as spaces of socialisation” International Photography Award organised by the EU-funded Euromed Heritage programme and the Rehabimed Association. The photo competition has once more highlighted the place that cultural heritage holds in Mediterranean …

Pre-Saharian Morocco. Housing and heritage

- Exhibition at the College of Equipment Makers in Barcelona during March 2011 -Morocco is a vast and diverse country. The Atlas Mountains are the great natural border between the fertile northern Mediterranean and the arid sub-Saharan south.In this hostile territory, on the edge of the desert, water is life. Life is born at the top of the mountains and descends through their valleys and …

Selection of photographs 2010

The winning photograph:Downtown (Egipte), Nour El Refai Special Mention of the Jury:La transe du Arrif (Tunísia), Augustin Le GallSeductive Cairo (Egipte), Gianluca Capri    Procession du Panier (França), Frédéric SeguranBelonging to the past (Territoris Palestins), Eyad Jadallah Selected PicturesThe Granary of Rome (Itàlia), James …

Medinas 2030 in Barcelona

The show examines the rehabilitation of medinas from the viewpoint of long-term sustainability, with close attention to economic, social and spatial transformations, all decisive aspects for the future of Mediterranean cities. The exhibition was organized by the EIB (European Investment Bank) on the occasion of the last Venice Architecture Biennale.The same venue also offers another chance to …

Selection of photographs 2007

On the cover the winning photograph of the Crossed Perspectives competitionAuthor: Fouad MaazouzRehabiMed will contact the authors of the selected works so that they can send them the photographs in their original format and with the highest possible resolution. Failure to send the originals will constitute cause for exclusion from this competition. These works will be presented to the …