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Presentation of the Living on the Cliff Project

After the project closing session in September, various presentations of the Living on the Cliff Project and the results of the Espluga de Cuberes Workshop were held throughout November and December 2024. The series began at the College of Technical Architecture in Lleida on November 4, continued at the College of Barcelona on December 9, and concluded at the UPC's Polytechnic School of Building …

New Rehabimed’s Board 2024-2028

The newly elected board of RehabiMed has taken possession of its positions after the elections on May 13, 2024.The current positions are:President: Xavier Casanovas i BoixereuSecretary: Oriol Cusidó i GaríTreasurer: Joan Ramon Rosell i AmigóBOARD MEMBERSTerritory, landscape and city: Oriol Cusidó i GaríUrban intervention: Marc Manzano i SalóTraditional materials: Estudi M103, …

International Workshop Espluga de Cuberes

Living inside the Cliff. Analysis of the troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the MediterraneanFrom 25 August to 6 September 2024Gerri de la Sal, Catalonia. SpainPRESENTATIONIt is an immersive experience to live the troglodyte Mediterranean habitat in person. It focuses on a unique case study, abandoned at the end of the 20th century, which will allow documenting, …

Jornada d’Estudi “Paisatge és Memòria. L’Ametlla de Mar i El Perelló”

Els dies 1 i 2 de desembre de 2023, es va celebrar al Col·legi d’Arquitectes de la demarcació de l’Ebre, a Tortosa, la Jornada d’estudi “Paisatge és Memòria. L’Ametlla de Mar i El Perelló”. La presidenta de la Demarcació de l’Ebre, Elena Rosales, va realitzar la presentació. Montserrat Villaverde i Anna Martínez, com a directores del projecte, van exposar els resultats del treball de camp …


The Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya has granted a grant for the development of the "LANDSCAPE IS MEMORY" project of the RehabiMed Association. The project will work on the traditional heritage of L'Ametlla de Mar and El Perelló (Baix Ebre). The aim is to highlight a neglected heritage, built over the centuries on a human scale, taking advantage of the site's resources. The …

Meeting UfM on traditional building skills in the south Mediterranean Region

The Union for the Mediterranean has organized a meeting of experts and representatives of various Mauritanian, Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian administrations. The meeting took place on July 6, 2023 at the Palau de Pedralbes, headquarters of the UfM, as the first step of several actions that will be launched in the coming months in Morocco and Tunisia, in order to promote the preservation of …

Damage assessment and emergency actions in Manbij (Syria)

Rehabimed is involved in an ISIS damage assessment and emergency consolidation project at three monuments in Manbij. A project led by Heritage for Peace, funded by the British Council and which begins this June.The project will intervene in three heritage buildings dating from Byzantine times to the early 20th century:The Al-Antabi tomb contains unique frescoes and geometric drawings …

Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly 2022

The Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of the RehabiMed Association will take place on 6th of march 2023 in EPSEB, Barcelona, 18:00H.Agenda for the Assembly 18:00H.:Approval of minutes of the previous Assembly.President’s Report 2022Presentation and validation of accounts 2021Presentation and validation of accounts 2022Presentation and approval of 2023 …