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International Workshop Espluga de Cuberes


Activities, News, Project news

Living inside the Cliff. Analysis of the troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the Mediterranean

From 25 August to 6 September 2024

Gerri de la Sal, Catalonia. Spain


It is an immersive experience to live the troglodyte Mediterranean habitat in person. It focuses on a unique case study, abandoned at the end of the 20th century, which will allow documenting, studying and debating both a traditional typology and the phenomenon of rural depopulation.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about a pioneering initiative and a work methodology to reinforce the heritage value and define alternatives for the preservation and revitalization of unique sites. RehabiMed’s extensive experience in practical training activities in the Mediterranean will allow the creation of an interdisciplinary work team, with university professors, local experts and young professionals from various countries, united around a common objective



The Workshop will develop data collection activities on the ground and elaborate the information collected.

Specialized conferences, debates and visits to similar places in the area will be organised.

Working Topics

Territorial scale:

•Natural, landscape and geological environment. Geoparc Orígens (UNESCO)

•Humanized territory. Ethnobotanic, crop and water management

•History and archeology of the area

•Tangible and intangible heritage

•Troglodytic settlements in the Mediterranean

•Abandoned villages and challenges for preservation

Site and building scale

•Urban structure of the settlement

•Graphic survey and constructive diagnosis

•Construction techniques and materials

•Bioclimatic behavior and its potential use


Workshop intended for 20 young professionals and students of architecture, history, archaeology, anthropology, ethnography, etc.

Submit HERE the application for participation (deadline 15th june)

Fee: 500 € (includes training activities, meals, local travel, hostel accommodation and cultural visits).

There are 8 scholarships covering between 50% and 90% of the registration fee.


Between May 1 and June 15, 2024. Submit the application for participation and scholarship (if you apply for one). Include CV and a motivation letter.

June 30, 2024. Confirmation of the participants and scholarships by the organization

August 25, 2024. Start of the Workshop.

Meeting point: La Pobla de Segur Train station.


•RehabiMed Association

•Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. UPC-EPSEB

•Università di Cagliari. DICAAR. Itàlia


•International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)

•Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (IEMed)

•Geoparc Orígens- UNESCO

•Baix Pallars Municipality

•Ecomuseu Valls d’Àneu

•Col.legi de l’Arquitectura Tècnica de Lleida

•Generalitat de Catalunya

•Diputació de Lleida – IEI (to be confirmed)


Xavier Casanovas (RehabiMed i ICOMOS)

Josep Coll (RehabiMed)

Joan Ramon Rosell (UPC i RehabiMed)

Carlo Atzeni (Università di Cagliari – DICAAR)