Presentation of the Living on the Cliff Project
After the project closing session in September, various presentations of the Living on the Cliff Project and the results of the Espluga de Cuberes Workshop were held throughout November and December 2024. The series began at the College of Technical Architecture in Lleida on November 4, continued at the College of Barcelona on December 9, and concluded at the UPC's Polytechnic School of Building …
Espluga de Cuberes International Workshop. ‘Living on the cliff’
The Espluga de Cuberes International Workshop was the first milestone of the Euro-Mediterranean project ‘Living on the Cliff’, which is to carry out an analysis of troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the Mediterranean. The aim of this project is to systematically study this typology of troglodytic architecture throughout the Mediterranean basin and to analyse the opportunities it …
20 participants from 8 countries selected for the Espluga de Cuberes International Workshop
20 participants have been selected to carry out the workshop from August 25 to September 6 on Living on the Cliff. Analysis of the troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the Mediterranean. Students come from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Italy and France. Thanks to ACEID, 10 scholarships have been awarded for being countries in the MENA (Middle East and North …
New Rehabimed’s Board 2024-2028
The newly elected board of RehabiMed has taken possession of its positions after the elections on May 13, 2024.The current positions are:President: Xavier Casanovas i BoixereuSecretary: Oriol Cusidó i GaríTreasurer: Joan Ramon Rosell i AmigóBOARD MEMBERSTerritory, landscape and city: Oriol Cusidó i GaríUrban intervention: Marc Manzano i SalóTraditional materials: Estudi M103, …
International Workshop Espluga de Cuberes
Living inside the Cliff. Analysis of the troglodytic habitat and rural depopulation in the MediterraneanFrom 25 August to 6 September 2024Gerri de la Sal, Catalonia. SpainPRESENTATIONIt is an immersive experience to live the troglodyte Mediterranean habitat in person. It focuses on a unique case study, abandoned at the end of the 20th century, which will allow documenting, …
Jornada d’Estudi “Paisatge és Memòria. L’Ametlla de Mar i El Perelló”
Els dies 1 i 2 de desembre de 2023, es va celebrar al Col·legi d’Arquitectes de la demarcació de l’Ebre, a Tortosa, la Jornada d’estudi “Paisatge és Memòria. L’Ametlla de Mar i El Perelló”. La presidenta de la Demarcació de l’Ebre, Elena Rosales, va realitzar la presentació. Montserrat Villaverde i Anna Martínez, com a directores del projecte, van exposar els resultats del treball de camp …
The rehabilitation project of the Jraba square, within the RehabiMed program, was one of the most successful projects in the preservation of the Medina of Kairouan. The square has become a favorite passage within the Medina and a key element in the tourist circuit that connects the souks to the Great Mosque. The place revives. Several abandoned boutiques are reopening their doors and regaining …
Wekala rehabilitation in Cairo, 15 years later
It has been 15 years since the RehabiMed project (financed by the European Union) finished the rehabilitation work of the Wekala El-Magraby, built in the 18th century in the Gamalia neighbourhood of Islamic Cairo, under Ottoman influence. Originally, a wekala is a building built around a courtyard intended to house merchants and store their goods, on the ground floor, with the upper floor being …