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Delivery of diplomas of the seminar for the protection of heritage in Raqqa


Project news, Uncategorized

On December 13, the delivery of diplomas to the participants in the Seminar “Documentation, Damage Assessment and Emergency Interventions for Raqqa Built Heritage”, which began on November 16 2020, took place in Raqqa. The Seminar is part of the Project “Documentation and Protection of cultural heritage in Raqqa city“, organized by RehabiMed, Milà i Fontanals Institute (CSIC), Vision and Heritage for Peace, with the collaboration of the Museum für Islamische Kunst and with funding from the Cultural Protection Found of the British Council.

The main objective was to train a local team of experts to be able to undertake the assessment of the existing damage to the city’s heritage and to propose the necessary emergency and consolidation works. For this reason, the training was limited to 20 professionals from Raqqa, focusing on essentially practical activities. Today, the team created is already working on the field in assessing the damage and in the consolidation of four monuments.