icono esquina

Course on structural, energy and environmental diagnosis in Barcelona


Activities, Project news

From 5th to 9th March 2018 an intensive course on “structural, energy and environmental diagnosis methodology and tools” was held at the EPSEB of UPC Barcelona, in the context of Erasmus+ DIAGNOSIS Project.

The main target of the course was to define a professional profile, disciplines and subjects to be considered for the “Building Diagnosis Expert”. In addition, a curriculum and training methodologies, concerning the Academic program for the “Building Diagnosis Expert”, was developed. It was the result of an open debate aimed to agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for diagnosis experts in the four participant countries. At the same time, the partners explained their own state of the art on a comparative research. Also, two different practical case studies sessions on diagnosis process were developed at Casa Batlló and Sagrada Familia, analysing the Master plan for restauration of this important Gaudi monuments.

Participants: RehabiMed; Polytechnic University of Catalonia; University of Ferrara; Warsaw University of Technology; AEEBC; Polish Association of Building Managers and Centoform S.r.l.