The rehabilitation project of the Jraba square, within the RehabiMed program, was one of the most successful projects in the preservation of the Medina of Kairouan. The square has become a favorite passage within the Medina and a key element in the tourist circuit that connects the souks to the Great Mosque. The place revives. Several abandoned boutiques are reopening their doors and regaining hope to participate in the economic and commercial activity of the square. Hairdressers, weavers, fabric sellers resettle again. The rents of boutiques are rising and artisans are beginning to wait. A postal and exchange office has been refitted into the premises to replace a sheep shed. The action is a good example of cooperation between different administrations. Those responsible for the Ministry of Health were very sensitive and participated in the success of the project by accepting the proposed renovations and participating financially in the renovation of the dispensary’s facade. The electricity company quickly realized the need to eliminate the transformer that disfigures the square. They brought their technical knowledge and agreed to move the transformer to a location that was offered by the town’s municipality, which continue supporting the project and sensitizing the population to the need to adhere to it. The extent of the work was aswell something that allowed the owners to be encouraged to initiate operations motivated by the new look of Jraba square. The Boudidah family gaved the responsability of completing an upgrade by following the advice of the project team who developed the technical dossier. The Zouabi family entrusted the Medina association with the task of renovating their property on the square with traditional materials and assuming the entire cost of the work. It is this synergy of actions and actors that makes the development of the Jraba square an example of sustainable development in which heritage is the key element. Both residents of Kairouan and the residents of the square consider that the action of the rehabilitation of Jraba is the most successful action ever carried out in Kairouan.

Unfortunately, these impulses got slowed down. The effects of the revolution that were catastrophic for the whole Medina of Kairouan and also because of the COVID pandemic, that had a big repercussion in the tourism, and caused the death of ancient artisans of Jraba, the shops of which remained closed due to lack of continuity.
However, the square is relatively well preserved, it still has a double function of car park and passage, assigned after the rehabilitation, except for the pavement that required a better maintenance. The café continues to be frequented by local artisans and residents and is a place of gathering. Unfortunatly, it does not attract tourism. The looms of wool sheets and “burnous” that have gained the reputation of Jrava are prospering, although some had to close due to the COVID-19, others are back thanks to the presence of tourists. The carpenter of the other side has been converted into an antiquarian. The mail office has been renovated and its corresponding services are very popular among local citizens; constitutes one of the best outcomes of the RehabiMed project. The neighborhood respects the architectural value of the square and have no intention to produce any damage to the heritage environment of the Jraba, as in the case of the rest of the Medina. Certainly, we have not achieved dealing with some unsuitable activities, such as motorcycle repairers, but they where already there before the project. Among the positive impact there is the creation of a cybercafé for the children and specially, the opening of a guesthouse at the Palais al-Harran on the main street of al-Khadraouine, about fifty meters from the plaza; the idea is to achieve the first goal on the dynamic of the Jraba project as well as for the RehabiMed program, that had the goal of developing a sustainable tourism in the Medina of Kairouan.