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RehabiMed has organised a Training Workshop on World Heritage Management for those responsible for urban regeneration in the city of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)



January 24-28, 2022

Three cities: Barcelona, ​​Granada and Córdoba have hosted a delegation from the Ministry of Culture of Saudi Arabia (responsible for the rehabilitation of the historic center of Jeddah, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List) who has visited Spain, in order to participate in a training trip. Training that has had a threefold objective: first, to know the reality of patrimonial intervention in the country, both legally and administratively; secondly, to visit and learn about examples of good practice and the different agents involved, and thirdly, to meet with professionals and government officials in charge of the intervention and management of local, national and international heritage.

With regard to knowledge of the legal and administrative context, a series of working sessions have been held with specialists in the field and technicians from the public administration, to understand, among other aspects, the existint protection tools, the mechanisms for managing interventions, their problems and limitations, the importance of knowledge and multidisciplinarity.

In terms of good practice, interventions in unique buildings, as well as buildings and complexes listed as world heritage sites have been visited. The idea of ​​heritage has been reinforced not so much as a sum of individual elements, but as constitutive elements of urban environments and complexes with a patrimonial interest, from the material and immaterial point of view.