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RehabiMed’s new Board of Directors starts work


Activities, News

The Board of Directors of RehabiMed formally took office last week, on 15 May 2014, marking a new phase of the Association, with a programme of activities for 2014-2015. To do so, in addition to the mandatory posts (Presidency, Secretariat and Treasury), the board incorporates nine members who are experts in the various fields addressed and will be responsible for the actions organized, helping to project the association worldwide.

Members of the Board of Directors:

Xavier Casanovas i Boixereu
Montserrat Bosch Gonzalez
Joan Ramón Rosell i Amigó
Board members:

International projection and coordination
Patrice Morot-Sir
Territory, landscape and city
Oriol Cusidó i Garí
Albert Pla i Gisbert
Urban intervention
Marc Manzano i Saló
Artisan trades
Cristina Thió i Lluch
Traditional materials
Jorge Blasco
Building structures
Josep Baquer
Historic research and sensitization
Montserrat Villaverde Rey
Joan Olona i Casas