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The elections of the RehabiMed Association


Activities, News

According to the provisions of the General Assembly held on 16th December 2013, the Board has prepared internal rules for election to the Board of Directors of the Rehabimed Association. It has also defined a timetable to complete the renewal of the charges, in accordance with article 15th of the bylaws, and renovate the Board which expires the 11th June 2014.

For this reason, the Board of Directors announces the elections in the Assembly of 20th May 2014, to be held at the headquarters of the Association, Bon Pastor, 5, Barcelona at 18 h.

Agenda for the Assembly:

1. Approval of minutes of the previous Assembly.
2. President’s Report
3. Electoral process to the Board of Directors
4. Additional topics suggested by members
5. Opened word

MEMBERS AREA: Internal rules for election of the Board of Directors of the RehabiMed Association and calendar for 2014 elections