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Call for papers. World SB14


Activities, News

The World SB14 conference will take place on 28, 29 and 30 October 2014 in Barcelona. This is the sixth outing of a triennial event promoted by iiSBE, WGBC, CIB and UNEP, bringing together the world’s leading experts in sustainability in urban areas and construction. On this occasion, the conference is organized by Green Building Council España, and RehabiMed is taking part as a collaborator in its organization.

World SB14 Barcelona is aimed at all agents of urban design and construction who are interested in taking up the global, social and environmental challenges now facing the sector worldwide and creating global policies and specific tools, both worldwide and locally, to meet the challenges of the year 2050.

This year, a specific area has been created where Mediterranean countries can share experiences, and participants from countries in the south and east of the Mediterranean can apply for grants to cover the cost of registration, transport and per diem expenses.

The call for papers for the presentation of abstracts is now open, and the deadline is 20 January 2014.

Call for papers

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