icono esquina

Exhibition “Bioko: Architecture and Memory”


Activities, Exhibitions

Last May 24, 2012, the exhibition “Bioko: Architecture and Memory” was inaugurated in Malabo, curated by Mercè de Cabanyes Gay and Laida Memba Ikuga. The opening took place at the Cultural Center of Spain in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
The exhibition is part of the project “Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano de Equatorial Guinea”, directed by Laida Memba and realized with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture of Equatorial Guinea, the UNESCO Chair of the Ramon Llull University and the AECID. In addition to the exhibition, research and inventory of the heritage of the island of Bioko have been carried out. An initiative that RehabiMed supported in the project and development phase.