A young Palestinian photo-journalist, Mahmoud Illean, from Jerusalem is the winner of the 2011 edition of “Crossing viewpoints: Mediterranean cities as spaces of socialisation” International Photography Award organised by the EU-funded Euromed Heritage programme and the Rehabimed Association.
The photo competition has once more highlighted the place that cultural heritage holds in Mediterranean contemporary societies, especially for the youth who have massively participated at the competition: the jury has received 266 pictures from 23 different countries. The country with the highest number of participants is Algeria, followed by Morocco and France. In total, 63% of all participants are originally from the Mediterranean partner’s countries.
The Jury has given a special mention to Mohamed Karim Boumais, a 29 year old Moroccan photographer, to Olivier Dubuquoy , a freelancer from Marseilles, to Mohamed Badarne, from Haifa, and to Emanuele Ciccomartine, a photographer from Spain.
The winner Mahmoud Illean will be invited to the official inauguration of the exhibition “Crossing viewpoints: Mediterranean cities as spaces of socialisation”, to be held in Cairo in October 2012.
The Winner:
Jerusalem (East Jerusalem), Mahmoud Illean
Special Mention of the Jury:
Entre Nous (Morocco), Mohamed Karim Boumais
دهشة (),
حمد بدارنه
The Saintes Maries de la Mer beach (France), Olivier Dubuquoy
Squares of Oujda (Morocco), Emanuele Ciccomartino
Selected Pictures
Place Jemaa el fna (Morocco), Gabriel Martel
moroccan lover’s (Morocco), Abderrahman Amazzal
Le Fête-Dieu de Séville (Spain), Francisco Vallejo
la grande affaire (Morocco), Mohamed Karim Boumais
match nul (Lebanon), Anna Katharina Scheidegger
Home (Egypt), Anna Katharina Scheidegger
دمشق (),
جسار قدور
After lunch (Syria), Manuela Core
Le culte esthétique méditerranéen (Italy), Elio Germani
Roman Teather By Night over Viewing Citadel (Jordan), Razan Fakhoury
Wadi Alnadara (Syria), Hisham Zaweet
Vieux-Port (France), Orianne Olive
bargaining at the market (“Il Capo”, Italy), Gianluca Capri
In Step (Croatia), Timmy Gambin
Jour de pique nique (Morocco), Moulay Abdeslam Samrakandi
Backgammon en fin d’après midi (Cyprus), Nils Devernois
L’espace Télé (Cyprus), Nils Devernois
s.rosalia (Italy), Letizia Camaiti
by the Cornishe (Egypt), Nour El Refai
Red Lighthouse (Egypt),Nour El Refai
Friends (Egypt), Nour El Refai
La pêche (Turkey), Aude Thepenier
La Lonja (Spain), Angel Ros Die
Women (Spain), Angel Ros Die
En marge (Egypt), Maxime Sanson