The wilaya of Constantine, in Algeria, has requested the collaboration of RehabiMed to develop a rehabilitation strategy to revitalize the historic centre, currently in a poor state of repair.
Collaboration began with a study conference on 23 and 24 May to discuss the methodology and techniques used. The professionals involved in the interventions (Badia Belabed Sahraoui, Jennie Kribeche, Nacer Touam, Youcef Benhamiche, Ali Mohamed Bet Youcef, Ahmed Mezzach and Bet Zeienelabiddine Rouabeh) presented the problems facing the old town, the targets established, the chosen methodology and the pilot operations under way. Representatives of RehabiMed and Spanish cooperation assessed the process, based on the RehabiMed Method, evaluating the strong and weak points of the proposals presented, and expressed their willingness to provide the necessary support.