On 6 April, the RehabiMed Method and its use in Mediterranean countries was presented in the auditorium of La Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine de Paris. The presentation took place in the framework of the thematic lectures organized by the École de Chaillot, specifically the talk on the subject of “Historic districts for all: a social and human approach to sustainable rehabilitation”. Four speakers took part in the session:
Brigitte Colin, of the Social and Human Sciences Sector of the UNESCO, presented the UNESCO guide of seven key factors to allow historic centres to recover their cultural identity, quality of urban life and modern levels of development. Alain Marinos (French Ministry of Culture) presented actions carried out to revitalize historic centres in France and his Ministry’s cooperation with China, working on the balanced development of the Jiangnan water towns and management of growing tourism.
Xavier Casanovas (RehabiMed) presented the RehabiMed Method and the pilot operations carried out in Cyprus, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco to revitalize historic centres by seeking a point of balance between economic development, residents’ rights and needs, and the preservation of heritage values.
Leo Orellana (SIRCHAL, network for the revitalization of historic centres in Latin America) presented the work currently being carried out on the Rehabilitation Plan for the historic centre of Salvador de Bahía.